Canberra House Painter

Canberra Painting Company

Painter in Canberra

Painting Company in Canberra

Our Canberra Painting Awards

Fusion Painting is a multi-award winning business. We have been awarded the Dulux Accredited Painter of the Year for the ACT on multiple occasions, and were named the NATIONAL WINNER of the Dulux Accredited Painter of the Year on two separate occasions.

Master Painters Australia (MPA) has awarded us for Best Business Practices, Best Timber Finishes and finalist in the category of Domestic Single Dwelling Repaint – contract value over $20,000.

These awards recognise our commitment to quality workmanship, customer service and total professionalism.

The Fusion Painting Team

If you are looking for Canberra painting services then please call 0417 685 211 or complete our online request form.